School has started for almost 2 months, and most kids have settled into the new school routine.
Is packing school bags part of your kids’ routine for school?
⭐️ Why is it important for children to pack their own school bags?
Through encouraging our children to pack their own bags before school, we are allowing them to take ownership of their own business and become self-reliant individuals.
It is also a great opportunity for children to learn important cognitive skills like organization and planning.
🤔 Do I need to teach my kids how to pack their bags?
Forming new habits and organizing is no simple task. Parents’ guidance and company are especially important for kids who just started in primary school.
Here are some backpack strategies that most parents and us found helpful.
- Make it a routine. Set a certain time every day for packing school bag. Using visual cues like schedules or pictures can be a good reminder for this new routine too.
- Checklist helps. With your little ones, list down things they will need to bring to school according to their schedule, and use this checklist for their everyday packing routine. Crossing out the things they’ve already put into the bag with a crayon or highlighter helps kids keep track of what is still missing.
- Grade the task. We might find ourselves offering a lot of assistance in the beginning, but do slowly step back to a more supervisory role once your children are more familiar with the routine. Your action will show your kids that you believe in their ability, and eventually help them become independent in the task.
- Be patient. All new habits takes time and practice to form. Notice whether your expectations are realistic and whether you’re putting too much stress on your kids.
😳 If my child forgets to bring something to school, should I deliver it for them?
Making mistakes is a part of learning too. Unless it is something that’s absolutely necessary or urgent, it would be worthwhile for parents to consider not intervening at all and allowing kids to bear the natural consequence of their own behavior.
They may need to borrow things from their classmates or ask teacher for extras. Whatever strategies they come up with, it is a great learning opportunity for children to learn about responsibility and problem solving.
Starting today, ask your child to pack their own school bag, and help them become the responsible and confident individual we see in them. 💪🏻